Hi Love!

Sira, Medicine Woman (Rohtonainen in Finnish), is a seer, psychic, shamanic / energetic healer, mentor and a creator of magical things.

I am quite decent English-speaker and more than happy to serve international clientele. Geographically, I am located in Pori (west-coast Finland) but I also offer long-distance services which allow me to see to your needs world-wide.

You are welcome to book your appointment (in Pori, long distance / voice message feedback or in some casea video call) for:

I have been initiated to my calling through several critical turning points given from the spiritual world. I have deepened my knowledge & natural born skills with various spiritual teachers nationally and internationally.

Medicine’ in my title means immaterial, energetic Medicine; the healing power of the elements, plants, rocks… the power of the universal souls. It can also refer to my material products: my recycle-art Medicine notebooks, Medicine candles and f. ex. the Drum’s Joy -balm for shaman drums. Beeswax, herbs and essential oils (by Young Living) are significant ingredients in my craft.

For me, it’s natural and appreciated to work with all levels of energies from the Underworld to the Highest Source. My relationship with different levels of reality and the entities which live in those, is natural, compassionate, genuine and honest. I will always tell you honestly and exactly what I receive – and I will always do it in a safe way, respecting your way of life. As a former researcher with academic background (PhD 2015, see cv here), I hold in very high value such things as ethical viewpoints, honesty, transparency, new knowledge and fresh thinking – and in all situations, Your free will.

The pricing for English sessions is +25% to current price on my Online Booking

You can also book by message:

Alwats identify yourself when contacting. 🙏

Let me know what You need – be open to what I find <3

~ Sira, Medicine Woman

P. S. In my socials and at fairs & events you can also find magical books for your spellcrafting, beeswax candles and balms, my poetry books and PhD dissertation (in Finnish)…. and other things that wish to be born through my hands and mind. 🧡

When booking a session, please read thoroughly these Terms of Condition: